Monday, December 20, 2010

Men...The model Monsters?

With regards to my 'Boredom Struggle', I have found a lot of time to explore and expand my knowledge. Everything you need to know is floating in cyber space from videos to articles. One article I read most recently on a website, "What men are really thinking about all the time...SEX! ". I chose that refernce (taken out of it's original context) purposely because I find it astounding how a little bit of research, degrees and diplomas crammed into a 500 word paragraph, can generally define an entire species. Not everything needs an explanation! Personally I like it that way sometimes, mysterious and sincere.
Let me give you a little background information on why i feel so strongly about these "factual articles"on men and how monsterous they are. I have not yet ranted and raved on the extraordianry man in my life, but he is present and has made my happiness a fairy tale fantasy. As corny as that sounds, he has taken the value of my life and raised it to priceless. I know him in ways a survey could never even begin to comprehend, which brings me to why I am so oposed to these articles:
 1) It is impossible to know and understand every man as individuals.
 2) Every single person in capable of growth and change.
  Last but not least
 3)There is someone for everyone who believes & willing to let love in.

Final Thought: Maybe I sound like a niave teenager in love, who is lost in the glamour of love that t.v and movies portray. But you couldn't be more wrong. It is not a bed of roses everyday for me, it isn't easy to be in a relastionship but it easy to love. I am disappointed in the articles that convey a monster image of every man on earth. Those (men) who chose to do wrong know damn well know those choices will determine the life they lead down the road. Be wise and concious of the right and wrong... and take responsibilty for your "mistakes".


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