The term writers block has always been foreign to me. Since before I knew I had a passion for writing I was writing without a cause, than I decided that I had a hidden talent in writing and all of a sudden the words would now flow. It sounds a little ironic since writers block has become the topic of my newest blog piece but It was the only way I knew how to trigure some artistic flow. I wanted to be able to write for a few minutes without pausing and writing about not being able to write lately was my ticket.
Everyone around me seems to be picking up the last puzzle pieces of life and neatly putting them into place. It has definately awaken the green monster of jealousy within myself. I am so busy trying to figure out which of these pieces belong to me and in which order to I place them in. Deep down inside I know there are no correct answers to my millions of questions revolving around my life. I do not want to become an individual who doesn't recognize her own refelction because I was too busy rushing through life instead of living it. I want to feel every moment and remember every step I took to get where I am in the present moment.